Verbal abuse -slowly killing a soul.

I am more than you see
4 min readFeb 1, 2021

The effects of a Verbally Abusive partner.

We are all human and feel things. Happiness, sadness, hurt. We are not made of steel and we are vulnerable to being hurt. Having and acknowledging our emotions is one of the beautiful things about being a human being. Trying to suppress our feelings about something does not make it go away. It only prolongs it until the moment we are able to feel it. The feelings will need to come out eventually. The best thing to do is to acknowledge it, accept it for what it is. Validate the way we feel, and embrace it instead of trying to ignore it. If you need to cry, go ahead and cry. If you feel sad, it is ok to be sad about something that makes you feel sad.

When your spouse or partner says something hurtful to you. It can make you feel like your whole world is falling apart. This is the person you look to for confidence, to cheer you on, to make you want to be a better person. Not to break your self-esteem, and make you question your value to them, much less everyone else in the world. This person is supposed to be your protector, your support system. It can be very confusing and hurtful when that person makes you feel unprotected by being the very person to stomp all over your emotions. Then you may begin to ask yourself how much validity was there to their negative or hurtful comments. This can be very difficult for anyone to go through. So, allowing yourself to be hurt and process your emotions is ok.



I am more than you see

I long ago realized that we make it harder on ourselves to be happy & to find love. After several failed attempts of my own. Now I'm in pursuit of both.