The Distance in a Relationship

“No distance of place or lapse of time can lessen the friendship of those who are thoroughly persuaded
of each other’s worth.” – Robert Southe

I am more than you see


There are just some people you have good vibes with. It is a solid connection. It does not matter the
distance, or how much time goes by that you do not speak to this person. Despite the distance, these

seem to be solid friends. The ones that are with you through so much of your life. I read somewhere

before that long-distance relationships had stronger bonds, and the chance of lasting survival because of

them wanting to see and talk to them. Neither of you takes much of the relationship for granted. That is

a beautiful thing. I have had a friendship like this. It is with someone of the opposite sex, and we were

attracted to one another. It was like we had already known one another. The minute I saw him we

struck a relationship. We never dated or became anything other than friends. But a chance encounter

with this guy over 20 years ago that was brief. And we still talk to this day. We always seem to share our

most personal events happening when we talk. He has gotten married and introduced me to his wife

since our first meeting. She is sweet and has always been understanding of our relationship. I talked to

her just as often for a while. But like most relationships, especially the long-distance ones it ran dry.

However, my relationship/friendship with her husband has yet to fade…



I am more than you see

I long ago realized that we make it harder on ourselves to be happy & to find love. After several failed attempts of my own. Now I'm in pursuit of both.